Our Russell Quirk recently met Magnus Walker at his prime, 20,000 sq ft premises in the heart of the LA Arts District.

The two men spent a couple of hours talking about cars, their shared passion as Magnus is a famous collector of classic Porsches (he has about 35 of them – see Porschenomics for several videos we shot about them).

But the subject unexpectedly turned to business and specifically Magnus’s inspiring journey from leaving school at 15 with two O-Levels to him rocking up alone in LA at the age of 19 with just $200 in his jeans pocket. This is the rarely heard story of how Magnus Walker turned that two hundred bucks into what we reckon is now a $20m fortune – cars, property, business interests, brand collaborations. And he makes it seem like one big accident that he just stumbled into. But we’re not so sure… Let us know in the comments if you think following your passion and doing what you love, beats a business school inspired plan and strategy. Did Magnus really have a plan all along? Watch here.