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In today’s challenging economic climate marketing budgets are often exhausted. Indeed, sometimes marketing is the first budget to be cut. This makes no sense though given that you still need to be visible to potential customers. You will want to be seen over and above your competitors, especially in a tougher market.
A holistic marketing budget is important. One that’s well thought out and that covers both BRAND and ACQUISITION. Yes, you need to tackle both, because seldom will people convert just on a ‘call to action’ if the company trying to entice them isn’t known nor trusted.
In a nutshell, Cutting back on your PR Marketing budget can be detreimental to your business. It means that you’ll be starting from scratch when it comes to brand recognition once business picks up again.
Share exciting stories with the media that relate to your audience. Readers crave connection and are drawn to feel-good stories or tales of successful challenges overcome that can give them a boost. Being seen as a thought leader is important.
In today’s competitive world, brand awareness is vital. Public relations can play an essential role in increasing your brand’s visibility and reach. Unlike traditional advertising, PR offers a more authentic way to introduce your business to a broader audience. It comes accross as more natural, often third-party endorsed and has longevity.
As your presence in the public domain increases month by month through stories published, so does the level of interest from your audience and further momentum is therefore gained. Readers become more confident and aware of your brand and product or service.
Though advertising is self-promotion, public relations is the power of third-party endorsement, a rubber stamp if you like. Embrace the potential of PR to increase your marketing efforts. Link PR stories to social channels for increased readership and traffic.
Paid search, paid social, email marketing and so on are all important. However, earned media is important too as it costs much less to acquire a customer using PR over time. And, digital coverage on a regular basis across multiple publications also establishes a higher domain authority with Google thus improving your website positioning in natural search (SEO) – for free.
Cutting marketing budgets is a common reaction during economic downturns. However, it’s widely acknowledged to be far from effective in the long-run, with companies playing catch-up for a considerable time afterwards.
The team at Proper PR are Public Relations marketing specialists. We can provide cost-effective marketing strategies in line with your business goals and deliver all you need to position yourself in front of your target audience, raising your profile to the next level.
Re-enforce your market presence and insure that you are ranked as an industry expert. Allow our PR agency to elevate your brand. Talk to the experts. Talk to Proper PR.
Proper PR are the PR experts that will get you noticed in all the right places, for all the right reasons!